I’ve always had a pretty open ear when it came to music and would give things a try even if for 30 seconds with some things sticking while others not with a percentage of those given a second chance years later to enjoy. With the luxury of being able to travel the globe as a DJ and experience different sites and sounds, my ears have been exposed to even more great choices in music that might not have come about in a pre internet era. One of the labels thats known for stretching their musical output is Jerusalem based Delights and their latest release, a synth-centric fuzz-funk double-sider from Group Modular that fits in exactly where it should.
“Nearly six years after their debut LP, “The Mystery of Mordy Laye”, the Jerusalem/Tel Aviv space-age groove duo of Markey Funk and Mule Driver (Confused Machines) returns with a heavier, edgier sound, set on top of the razor-sharp beat by their fellow drummer Sagi Zax. Keeping the library music spirit of their previous release, the new tracks illustrate two different cinematic themes: “Black Ray” – a fierce mid-tempo banger inspired by apocalyptic science fiction; and the sinister bikesplitation chase theme, “Acid Wheels”, previously available only on a local compilation.”