Heading back to Toronto this week for what has become my favorite record affair weekend, Live Convention. A festival for record heads which adds a weekend full of parties, panels and fun. This year blasts off on Friday with the 45 Kings party featuring the UK’s DJ Mr. Thing, Skratch Bastid and myself, then on Saturday “Catalog”, A talk with producer Rashad ‘Ringo’ Smith. You may not know the name but you’re surely familiar with his production for Busta Rhymes, LL Cool J, Biggie and more. Catch the chat as Jake One and Arcee sit down with him to discuss his catalog.
Sunday is of course the Cratery Record Exchange and will surely feature a who’s who of dealers and buyers alike! Sunday evening we close things with “Work It Out” featuring DJ’s Double Peas, Jonathan Kirby, Ms. Move On up and Memphis Jones. <— That’s a whole lot of deep ass crates right there!
In addition to all of that, there’s always a few surprises happening as well as a few exclusives available only at the Cratery Record Exchange including a limited edition 45 by Rashad ‘Ringo’ Smith and cassette tapes by Double Peas and DJ Mr. Thing.
If you’ve never been to a Live Convention then I highly recommend you get your act together and make the drive or take the flight to Toronto for this fun weekend!
Grab tix here: https://www.universe.com/explore?query=Live+Convention+&loc=Toronto%2C+ON%2C+Canada&ll=43.653226%2C-79.3831843