The Diggers Dozen crew have been at it for quite sometime doing their nights and bringing in guests to play a short but sweet set of 12 records, with no bootlegs or compilations in the mix dug deep from each DJs crates. Previous guests include the likes of DJ Mr. Thing, Malcom Catto, Greg Belson all who have had their on the spot mixes but the latest in the mix to find his way onto the newly released Diggers Dozen Live Sessions CD is one of the heaviest around, DJ Danny Dan The Beat Man. Volume 5 features the Beat Man pulling from his signature crates and doing what he does best.
I’ve said in the past that digging mixtapes and especially live recorded sessions need to really make a return to separate the men from the boys and Diggers Dozen are doing a fine job of keeping that tradition alive. Volume 5 is available now as with previous volumes and other merchandise that you’d find interesting.