We’re living through a pandemic, the weather is up and down and nothing seems to be as it once was. But one thing that’s for sure is that mother nature is still working through it all and presenting some sort of beauty to a world that’s become rather ugly at the moment. Yesterday was a rather beautiful day after a few previously cold and rainy ones in May which seems rather unseasonal like but I took full advantage of the occasion and took a stroll through the neighborhood park to get out of the house for a bit. As a homebody, I definitely enjoy being indoors in my personal space but taking in the sights and fresh air is rejuvenating in so many ways. My local park definitely has some of the most beautiful flowers blooming that reminds me of my annual trips to Japan and taking in the blossoms and other flowers that you’ll find all over the country, both indoors and out.
Being in isolation isn’t easy for most people, but be sure to take advantage of getting out (safely) and enjoying some sort of greenery and fresh air. Hopefully everyone is maintaining during these times and doing what needs to be done to stay safe and healthy.