Last year we introduced and premiered the official trailer for the upcoming Cyborg: Deadly Machine movie by Masebrothers who have been film amazing short films over the years. When we first saw the trailer back in March of 2019, it instantly took us back to early days of cable TV and renting VHS tapes from the local video store. The film boardered on the line of b-movie nostalgia which can very well compete with big budget theatrics but more fun and memorable in every way.
They recently premiere the finished film, Cyborg : Deadly Machine which pulls inspiration from some of our favorite films and combining the likes of “The Terminator” (1984), “Cyborg”(1989), “Nemesis”(1992), “Hardware”(1990) and Aliens”(1986) to make a cinematic masterpiece that’s perfect viewing for todays movie matinee right here at Nostalgia King!
For those not familiar with the script, the story of “Cyborg : Deadly Machine” takes place in an apocalyptic world, where a group of resistant led by a woman (Stacy) try to survive from the Cyborg Warrior created by a powerful AI Corporation, to exterminate humans being with only one man can who can stop them : Alex RAYNE, a lonesome chief who cooks with his guns.
Congratulations to Masebrothers on an amazing job! Now go grab your snacks and soda pop, turn down the lights and pull up a seat as we screen our feature presentation!