When it comes to finely done edits and consistency, Dusty Donuts might very well be the best in the game and from my perspective, they have yet to release anything that I didn’t like. Always something essential that needs to find it’s way into your crates or rotation, they never miss a beat with presenting quality which is extremely import in our opinion. 19 releases in and their latest is just what the ear doctor ordered with something special from newly joined crew member, DJ Goce who jumped right in and wasted no time with turning out tough double-sider for the funky occasion.
“The A side Beat is absolutely nuts and is world famously flavoured with funk stabs and crisp beats and that latin feel.The spice is jumping right at ya and you can smell the delicious aromas, when listening to this family BBQ jam! The B side is a homage to the phenomenal Ladies Lover from Queens and re-invents the boogiefunk original in a NYC style with hypnotic bass, lots of shakin’ vibes and bouncy rhythm cuts.”
If you’re looking for some choice selections to fit into your streaming set, Dusty Donuts 019 is worthy option!